Tuesday, July 24, 2018

2018 and 2019 Meeting Dates ---------------> Also under "Pages"

Aloha Owners,

Roy and I were talking about the meeting dates for May 2019.  It seems so far away but it will be here quickly.  We know many of you direct rent and are trying to set your calendar for next year. 
Here is the RAB Schedule below. 


2018 and 2019 Meeting Schedule

November 8th, 2018 at 2 pm
February 9th, 2019 at the Bay Club in San Diego
May 1, 2019  Castle Reception 
May 2, 2019 Castle Annual meeting

Saturday, July 7, 2018

How to know if your Sunscreen is killing the Coral Reefs

Aloha Owners,
                           This is what I like, teamwork!   An owner read the article about the coral reefs and sent me this article below to post. It is very helpful to know what sunscreen is better than others to protect the reefs.  Mahalo Jim Nahmens for sending. 


Sunscreen in the Ocean


Aloha Owners,

                   Dave Schindele sent me this article below we thought you all might find it interesting.  Happy to hear that Hawaii is doing something to help save the coral.   


Click HERE  to open this document