Thursday, April 30, 2020

Hawaii Tourism Authority March 2020 Statistics

Aloha Owners,

Hope you are all well and healthy.
Roy sent this to me to blog. I don't know if you will find it of interest or not.


                                                     Click on page to enlarge and read

Saturday, April 25, 2020

November Meeting Reminder and Stay-at-Home and Quarantine Extended

Aloha Owners,

Neoma wanted me to remind everyone to make sure to make your reservations for November, if you plan on attending.   The dates for November are as follows:

Annual Castle Meeting              November 13, 2020              
AOBO Quarterly Board Mtg       November 14, 2020
Annual AOBO Board Mtg           November 16, 2020

Lynda Gill sent me the information below regarding the Stay-at-home Order and quarantine being extended until May 31.

Click Link Here

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Hawaii Lodging and Tourism Association

Aloha Owners,

Roy sent this it is from the Hawaii Lodging and Tourism Association.  You may find it interesting.

Hope you are all healthy and safe.



Click HERE and choose Open link in New Window to open this document