Saturday, May 23, 2015

Mahalo to those that suported the Kauai Charity Walk :)

May 2015

Dear Kiahuna Plantation Ohana,

Thank you so much to those who supported the Kauai Charity Walk!  Marianne has reported we had raised over  $6000 in the name of Kiahuna Plantation!!! 

Some owners supported our Kiahuna staff fundraising efforts by attending the Chili Cook-off and Farmer’s Market event.  Delicious way to donate!  Others decided chasing that little white ball across grassy fields was a fabulous way to help out!  Some homeowners generously supported a Kiahuna staff member’s effort to raise money for the Walk.   

Once again Judy donated 4 wonderful Hawaiian quilts for the silent auction and raised $470 for her beautiful quilts!  Alan Hart and Roger Mullenhour donated 3 beautiful photographs for the silent auction helping me towards my fundraising goal!

The great news is I personally raised more than my last year’s total and this year’s goal of $2500! This would not be possible without the support of my own family and friends in California as well as your support and donations to my fundraising efforts or in some cases…being paid to leave you alone J

All the monies raised by the staff, golf teams, Judy and I will benefit the local non-profits on the island of Kauai.   It was wonderful to meet some of the local charities while we were on the Charity Walk!  The local Kauai Police department PAL group, Easter Seals, and Ronald McDonald House were a few of the groups giving walkers water and snacks on the walk.  The final part of the walk had the Girl Scouts handing out cookies, Hula Dancers and the Kauai high school football team members high fiving us all and giving us our breakfast tickets.  Makes us all feel good about raising money for the charities!

I have already plans in the making for 2016 Kauai Charity Walk so be forewarned! My goal is that 100% of our owners will get into the spirit of generosity and donate to the walk either by golfing, maybe a tennis fundraiser, supporting the staff or paying me off to leave them alone.  I can handle getting up at 5:15am if it means raising more money for our friends on the island!

Mahalo for your support to our Kiahuna Plantation employees fundraising efforts.  I truly appreciate all those who supported this year’s Walk!!  See you at the meetings!  (I’m the one with my hand out for money).

Marie Tiraschi
Unit 85

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