Thursday, December 28, 2017

Painting Schedule for 2018- Also under "Pages"----->

This just came in from Outrigger regarding the painting schedule for 2018.  Those that direct rent may want to note the dates of the painting so that you can let guests know when they book.     



As a part of our on-going maintenance of Kiahuna Plantation, the Outrigger Building Maintenance Painter will be working on the exterior of Buildings 22, 21, 20, 19, 15, 17, & 18 in the first half of 2018. 
Painting will take place between the hours of 9am – 3:30pm Monday - Friday, not including Holidays. 
We will issue Aloha Grams 1 week prior to the start as well as posting on the building.  Please be sure your guests are aware of the painting on check-in. 
Feel free to contact our maintenance office with any questions.

All of the Buildings need to be power washed 1 week before including stairwell.

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Coco Palms

Roy just sent me this article to blog as he thought many of us would find it interesting.   Click below to read the article and get the latest information on Coco Palms.  Thank you Roy for sending. 


                                       Click here for article

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Castle RAB Meeting Friday November 10th at 2 pm in Unit 20

Don't forget that the Castle RAB meeting is on Friday November 10th at 2 pm in Unit 20.   Let the RAB or Roy know if you will be attending.   The meeting is open to all owners. We look forward to seeing you there.


Tuesday, October 24, 2017

2nd Annual Poipu Food and Wine Festival

Hmmm, I see a trend with items that I am blogging.  They all tend to be related to food lately.   ๐Ÿ˜‹

Many owners will be on-island during this event.  It looks like a lot of fun.   I plan on going!


Click here - Poipu Food and Wine Festival

Friday, October 20, 2017

Ruth's Chris Steak House

New place to dine on the South Shore.   It looks like it is going to open on October 30. 

Click here for article

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

RAB November Meeting Date change!

            The RAB meeting on Kauai has been changed to November 10 at 2 pm.  We hope to see many of you at the meeting.    The meeting is open to all owners at Kiahuna Plantation.   Please let the RAB or Roy know if you plan on attending. 


Wednesday, September 13, 2017

TAT to increase by 1% Starting January 1, 2018

I know many of you direct rent so this is important information for you to know as soon as possible.   
 The TAT is currently at 9.25% and will increase to 10.25% for 13 years starting January 1, 2018.  
This has been called the rail bail-out bill.   To read more about the bill please click link below for the article.

Monday, September 4, 2017

Castle Newsletter August

                Here is the Castle Newsletter for August.    The RAB Newsletter is still being written and we will blog it when it is finished.  


Click HERE  to open this document

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Notice of unit 176 remodel


Just received this information that Unit 176 is going to do a renovation.   This is just and FYI for owners that are in neighboring units as you may want to advise your direct rentals before arrival.   Both front desks will also advise guests on check in.  

"Unit 176 has provided all necessary documents for the renovation scheduled for 10-2-17; the renovation will take about two and a half weeks. The renovation will consist of floor tile removal, new tile shower, and cabinet replacement. Please notify your guest that during the tile removal process, elevated noise levels will be experienced between the hours of 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM from 10-2-17 to 10-9-17. After the tile is removed, noise levels will decrease and the tile installation process will begin. "

We all know how important it is for owners to upgrade.  I am happy to hear of someone upgrading and doing so through the proper channels.      If anyone has any questions please let me know.   


Sunday, August 13, 2017

Makauwahi Cave Article

I want to thank the owner that sent me this article regarding the Makauwahi Cave.  I found the article very interesting and I think many of you will as well.  


Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Not a Formal RAB Meeting but...

Hi All,

                  Just to clarify that the RAB is not having a formal RAB meeting on Saturday.   Even though we will not have a form meeting the RAB will be at the hotel and happy to meet with owners one-on-one prior to the AOBO meeting if they have anything they want to discuss.   Let us know if you would like to talk.  


Tuesday, August 8, 2017

                            Hope to see many of you at the AOBO meeting this Saturday at the Embassy Suites in South San Francisco.   The AOBO lunch is from 11:30 am - 12:30 pm with the meeting following the lunch.    
                            The RAB will be at the hotel prior to the AOBO meeting.    If anyone has any comments, questions or concerns please let me know and we are happy to meet with you Saturday morning before the AOBO meeting.   
                             The hotel address is: 250 Gateway Boulevard, South San Francisco, California, 94080.


Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Castle and RAB Newsletter July 2017

                      Here are the Newsletters for both Castle and the RAB.   Though we are not having a meeting in San Francisco this August the RAB will be at the hotel on Saturday August 12 prior to the AOBO meeting.    If anyone has any questions or comments for the RAB please let me know and we are happy to sit down and talk to you.    Hope to see many of you soon.   The hotel information is below. 

 AIPRORT 250 Gateway Boulevard   
South San Francisco, California, 94080

Right-click HERE and choose Open link in New Window to open this document

Right-click HERE and choose Open link in New Window to open this document

Sunday, July 2, 2017

'Ohana Reunion Photos and survey results

Barbara Siverts unit #139, Chair of the 'Ohana Reunion, wanted me to share this link with owners. This was a fun event and the photos show just that.  The 'Ohana Reunion was a great opportunity for owners to get together outside of the meetings and enjoy things to do at Kiahuna and Kauai.  It was also a great way to include family and friends that share the love of Kiahuna and Kauai.

 A big Mahalo to Barbara for setting this all up and to everyone who participated.


Click HERE  to open this document

Friday, June 2, 2017

Castle Newsletter

                Here is the Castle Newsletter for May.    The RAB Newsletter is still being written and we will blog it when it is finished.  


Click HERE  to open this document

Thursday, June 1, 2017

The Garden Island

Roy sent me this article to blog.   You can click "The Garden Island" below to open up the article.


The Garden Island

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Travel Channel: 7 Things not to miss on Kauai

An owner sent this link to me from the Travel Channel.  I think it is great information to share with everyone.   Pass it along to your guests as well.


Click here for link :)

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Parade of Homes Tour

                            Thank everyone who participated in the Parade of Homes Tour on May 9th. We had 5 units that were on tour and many owners walked around to see all of the units.     The Parade of Homes is something that both Castle and Outrigger work together on to showcase units in the two rental programs.   We do it every May so keep it in mind for next year if you have a unit you want to show off or if you want to see what your neighbors have done.  It is a great way to get remodeling and redecorating ideas.     I have already started making a list of things I want to do to redecorate.   Poor Alan is probably the only owner that isn't excited about the tour.   I always get a lot of ideas after I see the units.   :)
                            Take a look at the photos below and see what other owners have done.


Unit 39

Unit 139

Unit 153

Unit 155

Unit 435