Sunday, May 14, 2017

Parade of Homes Tour

                            Thank everyone who participated in the Parade of Homes Tour on May 9th. We had 5 units that were on tour and many owners walked around to see all of the units.     The Parade of Homes is something that both Castle and Outrigger work together on to showcase units in the two rental programs.   We do it every May so keep it in mind for next year if you have a unit you want to show off or if you want to see what your neighbors have done.  It is a great way to get remodeling and redecorating ideas.     I have already started making a list of things I want to do to redecorate.   Poor Alan is probably the only owner that isn't excited about the tour.   I always get a lot of ideas after I see the units.   :)
                            Take a look at the photos below and see what other owners have done.


Unit 39

Unit 139

Unit 153

Unit 155

Unit 435

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