Thursday, April 5, 2018

Castle and RAB Newsletter March and New Schedule of Fees

WOW!  Thank all of you that emailed or called regarding the new Castle Rental Program.   The response has been so positive.  

The RAB and Castle worked very hard on this program.   With any new programs things slip by.  Yes, even Castle makes mistakes.    J  

One of these things that slipped by was the mid-stay cleaning going up $10 in the one bedroom units.  This was not discussed with the RAB originally.  The other item that was not discussed was the maintenance fee having a ½ hour minimum charge.   Castle asked the RAB how they could make this right.     It was decided that the mid-stay fee for the 1 bedroom would go up to $80 in exchange for the minimum maintenance charge going down to ¼ hour.    Castle and the RAB are both happy with this.  

The attached new Schedule of Fees reflects these changes.   I also have put the Schedule of Fees under “Pages” on the blog as well.  

Thank you again.   We look forward to seeing many of you in May.


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