Friday, August 24, 2018

Hurricane Lane Update #3

Aloha Owners,

Roy updated me with the following information:

This update was written for those guests we have in house, but it has good information for you owners as well.

Kauai has been downgraded to a Tropical Storm Watch. Lane is still a Category II hurricane at present, affecting Maui and Oahu. Big Island had 2 feet of rain yesterday, but no real winds.

That is what we expect at this point for Kauai – lots and lots of rain, but not so much wind. We will have power outages, and the roads will be dangerous.

All vacant rooms have had their lanai furniture moved inside. We are asking guests to stack chairs and turn tables upside down. If we put the furniture in the unit we know they will simply put it back outside as they are sheltering in place.

Our staff will do what is needed over the weekend, but will be released early when possible so that they can be safe at home taking care of their families. Our front desk will be staffed as always 24 hours daily.



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