Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Roy Thompson 12:25 PM (1 hour ago) to Roy, Neoma, Mark The April 5th reopening of Kauai is just around the corner, and all of us at Castle are extremely excited and pleased to be working to make this a success! To state that this has been a long, trying year is a huge understatement. To that end, our Master Marketers at our company are working hard to get the word out to customers and travel partners. Last week this showed very positive signs in terms of increased demand and a very large number of bookings for April and beyond. Let’s hope that this pace lasts as we do still have a long way to go! Our island is progressing nicely in terms of vaccinating. All of our staff at Kiahuna that wish to do so have received their first dose already, and by the time you receive this the 2nd dose should have been administered. As this progresses throughout the state, we are hearing the authorities discussing how to combine proof of vaccination into our Safe Travels protocol. We all are hopeful that this will happen in the next few months, further stimulating travel to our island paradise. With the increased demand, and the desire to return to somewhat normal travel, Castle is also working on restoration of services both for our guests and our owners. Beginning 3/21/21 we have extended our office hours. We are now open at 8am until 9pm daily. We have also added in some reservation shifts to better serve property reservations and owners. For after hours arrivals we still need to have guests advised to utilize our lockbox (code 4601). At this time, for the near term, we will continue with our Castle Cares program, which means spacing of reservations will continue, and housekeeping services will continue to be contactless. We will regularly review these policies, and as more folks get vaccinated, and assuming caseloads remain low, we can ease these requirements. Roy and your Team

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