Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Aloha KIAHUNA PLANTATION CASTLE RENTAL PROGRAM | OWNERS NEWSLETTER JUNE 2021 As I started searching my mind over what to write about this month, a long-time owner dropped by to see me to catch up and say “hi.” Our conversation started with something along the lines of “how are you adjusting to having guests back?” That led to a 15-minute conversation. The guests have certainly returned, in quantity! However, it is not like returning to normal at all. I believe all Kauai residents, while suffering the lockdowns, economic impact, and restrictions like other communities around the world, also got somewhat spoiled in many ways. No traffic, even in Kapaa which is back to the Kapaa Crawl, no issues with walking into a restaurant to have dinner, easy to get golf tee times, no one parked dangerously at the Tree Tunnel for a photo op, wide open beaches, and on and on. Now I read and hear more than ever about Over Tourism. Most of the “opinions” are not well thought out, and are more emotional than rational, but it is real, and there is some resentment. And to be perfectly honest, I understand it. Of course, Kauai has no alternatives to tourism to fuel our engine. Our economic drivers are the base at PMRF, government, and tourism. Folks dream of changing over to sustainable farming, wellness centers, and many other ideas, but our population of roughly 60,000 is too small to support anything else. The situation is not helped by our aging in frastructure. The solution in some residents’ minds: Limit the number of flights into Kauai, limit rental cars, etc. Industry is very much aware of these growing attitudes statewide, and we are busy doing outreach and education. Funds are being reallocated to help bolster other businesses and programs not directly related to hotels and resorts such as festivals, Hawaiian cultural programs, tourist education, such as teaching new visitors not to walk on reefs, using ocean safe sunscreen, avoiding dangerous spots such as Queens Bath, and other common-sense issues. So, I guess I am saying we are never going to return to what WAS normal – our task as stewards of Kauai and other islands is to assist and plan on a balanced new normal that takes into consideration all of the issues we face. Please do refer to the Aloha Pledge at the bottom of the next page, and share with friends and guests! Mahalo! Roy and Staff Good News on the Tourism Front On Friday, June 4th, we received some more good news on Hawaii’s tourism recovery progress. Governor David Ige announced the following revisions to the State’s travel restrictions as we approach 55% of Hawaii’s population being vaccinated: • Beginning June 15th, Hawaii will end all restrictions on interisland travel. • Also beginning June 15th, returning Hawaii travelers, who have received at least one vaccine dose in Hawaii will be able to bypass the COVID-19 testing and mandatory 10-day quarantine requirements upon arrival in Hawaii. • Once 60% of Hawaii residents become fully vaccinated, the State will begin allowing fully vaccinated travelers from other states to skip the current mandatory 10-day quarantine and pre-travel testing program with proof of their vaccination status. PRESIDENT’ Alan Mattson President & CEO S CO RN ER • All travel restrictions will be lifted once the state reaches 70% full immunization. This will also include the lifting of the indoor mask requirements still in place. Once we reach this threshold, there will no longer be a need for the Hawaii Safe Travels program, and it will then be shut down. We have been waiting for this announcement and are pleased that it has finally happened. We have already been experiencing stronger recovery than was originally projected for the State; and now with this additional good news, we are well on our way to travel being fully restored and a return to normalcy. THE ALOHA PLEDGE: CHILDREN OF KAUAI KEY CON TACT S Roy Thompson General Manager rthompson@castleresorts.com (808) 742 2200 Neoma Resquer Resort Assistant Manager nresquer@castleresorts.com (808)742 2200 Jeff Caminos Sr. Vice President of Operations jcaminos@castlehospitalitygroup.com (808) 524-9202 Mark Bandsma Regional Dir. of Engineering mbandsma@castleresorts.com (808)742 2200 Reyne Cadiam Property Administration rcadiam@castleresorts.com (808)742-2200 Alan Mattson President & CEO amattson@castlehospitalitygroup.com (808) 524 0900 Violet Carlsberg Director of Business Development vcarlsberg@castlehospitalitygroup.com (808) 524 0900 • I pledge to always live the spirit of aloha as I visit your special home. • I will take time to learn about the Hawaiian people and culture. • I will preserve and protect your home and will engage with the people, places, and wildlife in a kind and respectful way. • I will give fish and other wildlife space. I understand feeding marine life can damage their health and disrupt behavior. • I will stay off the reef. I understand that even barely brushing coral, can kill an entire colony. • I will give space to the fishermen, so I do not scare the catch away. I understand the fishermen feed their families this way. • I will only use “reef safe” sunscreens and bug repellents, free of oxybenzone and parabens to avoid ocean and water contamination. • I will only stay in legal, licensed visitor accommodations. • I will look for welcoming signage letting me know that an area is public and safe, and I will always obey appropriate signage for the safety of myself and others. • I will buy flowers and produce from the store or a farmers’ market and will not pick them from someone’s yard. • I will clean and decontaminate all my footwear and hiking gear with 70% alcohol or a 10% bleach solution to prevent Rapid Ōhia Death and stop other invasive species from spreading. • I will protect special places by never geo tagging them on social media. • I will always leave places the way I found them. • I will pack my trash and will even pick up the trash of others I may pass along the way. • I will always share aloha, kindness, and respect as I enjoy this special experience with others. “He Ali’i Ka ‘Āina; He Kauwā ke Kanaka” | “The land is chief; man is its servant.” Kiahuna Plantation & The Beach Bungalows 2253-B Poipu Road, East Entrance PO Box 1119 Koloa, Hawaii 96756 PH (808)742-2200 | F (808)742-1047

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