Wednesday, December 1, 2021

This is all part of rebranding and pivoting of the states marketing effort

Homeowners should download the PDF file and read it. Very good information to provide for your guests as well.

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Governor Ige gives the greenlight to non-essential travel for fully vaccinated residents and visitors FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Oct. 19, 2021 HONOLULU – Gov. David Ige today announced the State of Hawaiʻi is safely open to vaccinated residents and visitors who are traveling domestically and between islands for business or pleasure, starting Nov. 1. The governor made the announcement in Kona today, at the opening of the permanent Federal Inspection Services (FIS) facility at the Ellison Onizuka Kona International Airport (KOA). “I think we are all encouraged by what we’ve seen over the last several weeks with the continuing trend of lower case counts,” said Gov. Ige. “Our hospitals are doing better, and we have fewer COVID patients in them. Most importantly, our health care system has responded, and we have the ability to move forward with economic recovery. Because of this, it is now safe for fully vaccinated residents and visitors to resume non-essential travel to and within the State of Hawaiʻi.” On Aug. 23, Gov. Ige said it was not a good time to travel to Hawaiʻi. “I’m asking all residents and visitors alike to restrict travel, curtail travel to Hawaiʻi to essential activities only,” Gov. Ige said. The state continues to seek information from the federal government about its plans for international travel and will have an appropriate plan in place prior to Nov. 8. VIDEO can be found here at 1:43 (Courtesy Hawaiʻi State Department of Transportation). # # # Media Contacts: Jodi Leong Deputy Communications Director/Press Secretary Office of the Governor Office: 808-586-0043 Mobile: 808-798-3929 Cindy McMillan Communications Director Office of the Governor Office: 808-586-0012 Mobile: 808-265-7974

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Aloha KIAHUNA PLANTATION CASTLE RENTAL PROGRAM | OWNERS NEWSLETTER JUNE 2021 As I started searching my mind over what to write about this month, a long-time owner dropped by to see me to catch up and say “hi.” Our conversation started with something along the lines of “how are you adjusting to having guests back?” That led to a 15-minute conversation. The guests have certainly returned, in quantity! However, it is not like returning to normal at all. I believe all Kauai residents, while suffering the lockdowns, economic impact, and restrictions like other communities around the world, also got somewhat spoiled in many ways. No traffic, even in Kapaa which is back to the Kapaa Crawl, no issues with walking into a restaurant to have dinner, easy to get golf tee times, no one parked dangerously at the Tree Tunnel for a photo op, wide open beaches, and on and on. Now I read and hear more than ever about Over Tourism. Most of the “opinions” are not well thought out, and are more emotional than rational, but it is real, and there is some resentment. And to be perfectly honest, I understand it. Of course, Kauai has no alternatives to tourism to fuel our engine. Our economic drivers are the base at PMRF, government, and tourism. Folks dream of changing over to sustainable farming, wellness centers, and many other ideas, but our population of roughly 60,000 is too small to support anything else. The situation is not helped by our aging in frastructure. The solution in some residents’ minds: Limit the number of flights into Kauai, limit rental cars, etc. Industry is very much aware of these growing attitudes statewide, and we are busy doing outreach and education. Funds are being reallocated to help bolster other businesses and programs not directly related to hotels and resorts such as festivals, Hawaiian cultural programs, tourist education, such as teaching new visitors not to walk on reefs, using ocean safe sunscreen, avoiding dangerous spots such as Queens Bath, and other common-sense issues. So, I guess I am saying we are never going to return to what WAS normal – our task as stewards of Kauai and other islands is to assist and plan on a balanced new normal that takes into consideration all of the issues we face. Please do refer to the Aloha Pledge at the bottom of the next page, and share with friends and guests! Mahalo! Roy and Staff Good News on the Tourism Front On Friday, June 4th, we received some more good news on Hawaii’s tourism recovery progress. Governor David Ige announced the following revisions to the State’s travel restrictions as we approach 55% of Hawaii’s population being vaccinated: • Beginning June 15th, Hawaii will end all restrictions on interisland travel. • Also beginning June 15th, returning Hawaii travelers, who have received at least one vaccine dose in Hawaii will be able to bypass the COVID-19 testing and mandatory 10-day quarantine requirements upon arrival in Hawaii. • Once 60% of Hawaii residents become fully vaccinated, the State will begin allowing fully vaccinated travelers from other states to skip the current mandatory 10-day quarantine and pre-travel testing program with proof of their vaccination status. PRESIDENT’ Alan Mattson President & CEO S CO RN ER • All travel restrictions will be lifted once the state reaches 70% full immunization. This will also include the lifting of the indoor mask requirements still in place. Once we reach this threshold, there will no longer be a need for the Hawaii Safe Travels program, and it will then be shut down. We have been waiting for this announcement and are pleased that it has finally happened. We have already been experiencing stronger recovery than was originally projected for the State; and now with this additional good news, we are well on our way to travel being fully restored and a return to normalcy. THE ALOHA PLEDGE: CHILDREN OF KAUAI KEY CON TACT S Roy Thompson General Manager (808) 742 2200 Neoma Resquer Resort Assistant Manager (808)742 2200 Jeff Caminos Sr. Vice President of Operations (808) 524-9202 Mark Bandsma Regional Dir. of Engineering (808)742 2200 Reyne Cadiam Property Administration (808)742-2200 Alan Mattson President & CEO (808) 524 0900 Violet Carlsberg Director of Business Development (808) 524 0900 • I pledge to always live the spirit of aloha as I visit your special home. • I will take time to learn about the Hawaiian people and culture. • I will preserve and protect your home and will engage with the people, places, and wildlife in a kind and respectful way. • I will give fish and other wildlife space. I understand feeding marine life can damage their health and disrupt behavior. • I will stay off the reef. I understand that even barely brushing coral, can kill an entire colony. • I will give space to the fishermen, so I do not scare the catch away. I understand the fishermen feed their families this way. • I will only use “reef safe” sunscreens and bug repellents, free of oxybenzone and parabens to avoid ocean and water contamination. • I will only stay in legal, licensed visitor accommodations. • I will look for welcoming signage letting me know that an area is public and safe, and I will always obey appropriate signage for the safety of myself and others. • I will buy flowers and produce from the store or a farmers’ market and will not pick them from someone’s yard. • I will clean and decontaminate all my footwear and hiking gear with 70% alcohol or a 10% bleach solution to prevent Rapid Ōhia Death and stop other invasive species from spreading. • I will protect special places by never geo tagging them on social media. • I will always leave places the way I found them. • I will pack my trash and will even pick up the trash of others I may pass along the way. • I will always share aloha, kindness, and respect as I enjoy this special experience with others. “He Ali’i Ka ‘Āina; He Kauwā ke Kanaka” | “The land is chief; man is its servant.” Kiahuna Plantation & The Beach Bungalows 2253-B Poipu Road, East Entrance PO Box 1119 Koloa, Hawaii 96756 PH (808)742-2200 | F (808)742-1047

Thursday, June 24, 2021

From Govenor Ige; Aloha, Governor Ige just announced that, beginning on July 8, all trans-Pacific travelers who are fully vaccinated will be allowed to bypass the mandatory quarantine and pre-arrival testing processes. During his press conference, he noted that this announcement is tied directly to our state's vaccination efforts; the State expects that we will have reached the 60% vaccinate rate on July 8. Gov. Ige also announced several changes to social restrictions. Beginning on July 8, the following changes will also occur:  Social gatherings of up to 25 people indoors and 75 people outdoors will be allowed.  Restaurants will be allowed to operate up to 75% capacity while seating groups of up to 25 indoors and 75 outdoors.  Note: these changes do not supersede county orders. These are all expected and welcome announcements that bode well for our industry as we enter the summer travel season. It should be noted, however, that these developments are due in large part to our community efforts to get vaccinated and heed public health mandates. We must continue to be careful and take care of ourselves and those around us. Continuing to fight the good fight will get Hawai'i to a 70% rate of vaccination that will ultimately allow us to shut down the Safe Travels program and return to life as we knew it. Mahalo, Mufi Hannemann President & CEO Hawai'i Lodging & Tourism Association

Friday, April 9, 2021

Maui County has gotten approval from Gov. David Ige to require trans-Pacific passengers to undergo rapid-testing for COVID-19 upon arrival at Kahului Airport, even if they obtain a pre-travel test under the state’s Safe Travels program. Although the new requirement for a second test is included in Mayor Michael Victorino’s latest update of county public health emergency rules that goes into effect Friday, the mayor said Wednesday it will take at least another two weeks before a testing system is put in place at the Maui airport. He said the county is talking with a private company to administer the program. Hawaii already requires travelers wishing to bypass a 10-day quarantine period to obtain a coronavirus test from an approved testing partner within 72 hours of the final leg of departure to the islands and provide a negative test result. Maui District Health Officer Dr. Lorrin Pang has expressed concern that the lag between pre-travel testing and arrival on the island several days later allows some travelers who are incubating the virus to enter the community undetected. Victorino said the second round of testing will help officials determine whether visitors and returning residents are contributing to the alarming surge in COVID-19 cases in recent months that has coincided with increased passenger arrivals. Under Maui’s new rules, even passengers with negative pre-travel COVID-19 tests are subject to taking a second test — administered and paid for by Maui County — after landing at Kahului Airport. Those who refuse will have to quarantine. Children under the age of 5 traveling with parents or guardians who have negative COVID-19 test results will not be subject to post-arrival testing. The new rules also do not apply to interisland travelers, who are still subject to the Safe Travels testing and quarantine program. Another requirement: Interisland or trans-Pacific travelers to Maui wishing to avoid quarantine through the Safe Travels program must take the additional step of downloading the AlohaSafe Alert app or some other COVID-19 exposure notification app on their mobile device. According to the rules, failure to provide proof of registration, such as showing airport screeners or law enforcement officers the app on a mobile device, shall result in mandatory quarantine, except for individuals under the age of 18 or travelers who don’t possess a mobile device. Victorino is awaiting approval from Ige of a pilot program for “vaccination passports” that would exempt travelers from testing and quarantine rules if they have completed all of the recommended COVID-19 vaccine doses and were administered the last dose at least 14 days prior to arrival in Maui County.

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

AWAII NEWS Hawaii travel restrictions might loosen as CDC guidelines change for those fully vaccinated By Allison Schaefers April 3, 2021 CINDY ELLEN RUSSELL / CRUSSELL@STARADVERTISER.COM Health officials are meeting Monday to review Hawaii’s pandemic travel entry program in light of the CDC’s new guidelines. CINDY ELLEN RUSSELL / CRUSSELL@STARADVERTISER.COM Health officials are meeting Monday to review Hawaii’s pandemic travel entry program in light of the CDC’s new guidelines. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is now saying that fully vaccinated travelers can travel safely in the U.S. and don’t need to get tested for COVID or self-quarantine. Safe Travels Hawaii, the state’s pandemic travel entry program, still requires quarantine for those who don’t enter with a valid pre-test. As of Friday the state still had not approved easing travel requirements for vaccinated passengers. In view of the CDC’s Friday guidance, Hawaii officials are slated to meet again Monday. ADVERTISING The CDC’s new guidance removes one sticking point to allowing a travel entry exemption for fully vaccinated people. Lack of technology remains a problem. Lt. Gov. Josh Green said there’s a 60% chance that FirstVitals could have it developed by May 1. In the meantime, Green said he is pushing for Hawaii to immediately begin accepting vaccine cards. “I made the request for a vaccination passport two weeks ago. As of Friday the state had not approved a vaccination passport,” Green said. “I’m redoubling my efforts. The leadership team will meet again on Monday.The CDC has advised that it is safe travel for those that are vaccinated, and I feel strongly that Hawaii should adopt this recommendation and use a vaccination passport to clear people for travel to Hawaii without quarantine.” Green said there is already a provision in the emergency proclamation per the state Attorney General’s Office to enable a vaccination passport or digital solution once the rules go into place. “As soon as validation, processing and enforcement issues are worked out, it can be implemented,” he said. Green said he hopes Hawaii can quickly work out the details to allow vaccinated passengers to immediately travel to Hawaii without testing or quarantining even if a vaccination passport or a digital solution isn’t fully developed. “I’m personally OK with people showing their card and us checking their ID. Very few people will take the risk of fraudulently representing their vaccine. The penalties are very high,” Green said. “Also, our risk is dropping. We will be over 1 million shots given by May 1.” Most in Hawaii’s tourism industry say delaying implementing the CDC’s new travel guidelines while Hawaii tries to catch up in its technology puts the state and counties at risk of losing their place as a sought-after 2021 destination. Honolulu Star-Advertiser Get the latest news by email By clicking submit, you agree to Star-Advertiser's Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Email: Sign Up Hawaii, which saw 27,527 travelers screened by Safe Travels Hawaii on Thursday as part of the spring break rush, is poised for an even stronger summer. But tourism industry leaders say travelers who had accepted the state’s pre-testing protocol are likely to be less tolerant when CDC guidance doesn’t support it. That could hurt what so far has been a promising recovery, costing Hawaii millions of dollars in tourism revenue and jobs. Keith Vieira, principal of KV & Associates, Hospitality Consulting, said, “They keep on saying to follow the science. But we aren’t following the science. We’ll lose our share of tourism to other markets if we don’t allow the vaccination exemption.” Still, starting the vaccination entry program in Hawaii before a digital solution or vaccination passport is ready is not a calculated risk all are ready to take. Some in the industry fear that Gov. David Ige, who is known for caution, will want to minimize the risk of fraudulent vaccination cards by delaying making changes to Safe Travels until a digital solution or vaccination passport is in place. After all, problems with Safe Travels Hawaii’s technology were part of the reason that the state thrice pushed back the start of its pre-testing entry program, which didn’t get up and running until Oct. 15. Ige sent the Star-Advertiser an emailed statement Thursday saying that he was “hopeful that some kind of reliable and safe mechanism to verify vaccinations will be ready toward the ending part of the summer. Clear and CommonPass are both expanding their platforms to include vaccination verification.” “We continue to ask the CDC for specific guidance about travel — whether fully vaccinated individuals can carry the virus, get sick from it or transmit it,” Ige said. “The CDC is very concerned about the current 60 thousand new cases and 900 deaths a day on the mainland, saying these numbers are too high right now for us to let down our guard. Lifting interisland quarantine is still under discussion at this time.” In the meantime Hawaii’s travel entry policies vary by island. “The governor should be saying we’re doing it one way. All the islands should be the same way, although Kauai doesn’t want to hear it,” Vieira said. “If the spike were coming from the visitors, that would be a different story, but since it’s not, why not have our community get back to work? Sometimes it seems to me that the mayors want to look like heroes who are saving the community, when what they are doing is hurting the community.” Hawaii island still requires a free second test at the airport for most travelers. Heading into the Easter break, Victorino has asked for a second test at the airport and a vaccine passport. Victorino said Thursday that he did not support lifting interisland travel restrictions for those who have not been vaccinated at this time. But he had asked Ige to consider approving a “vaccine passport”-type program for Maui, which had been rejected. Kauai, which is rejoining the Safe Travels program on Monday, doesn’t require a second test, but has put together a discount program to incentivize travelers to take one. There’s so much pent-up demand for less-restricted travel to Hawaii that travel sellers said Friday that their phone lines were jammed by confused travelers who believed that the CDC’s travel guidance automatically applied to Hawaii. It doesn’t. The debate about the best way to further reopen Hawaii for tourism continues, only now the talking points are in flux. Before the CDC issued its updated travel guidance Friday, opponents to allowing a vaccination-based travel exemption now justified it because the CDC still wasn’t recommending nonessential travel. Although Safe Travels Hawaii did nothing to ban nonessential travel, the selling point was that it allowed Hawaii to screen travelers, thereby making travel safer. On Friday the CDC said it “recommends delaying travel until you are fully vaccinated, because travel increases your chance of getting and spreading COVID-19.” Those advocating a wait for vaccination-based travel exemptions in Hawaii are quick to point out that statewide COVID-19 infections are on the rise and Hawaii has not yet reached herd immunity, and probably won’t until at least summer. State Department of Health officials Friday reported 136 new coronavirus infections statewide, bringing the state’s total since the start of the pandemic to 29,927 cases. DOH reported Thursday that some 634,442 cumulative doses had been administered. So far, about 28% of Hawaii’s resident population has received at least one dose of the vaccine. Another criticism by the wait-and-see camp is that the messaging on vaccinations in Hawaii and elsewhere hasn’t been clear. A day after Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky suggested people vaccinated against COVID-19 would not become infected with or transmit the disease, the CDC backtracked on the comments. “Our data from the CDC today suggests that vaccinated people do not carry the virus, don’t get sick,” Walensky told MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow on Monday. “And that it’s not just in the clinical trials, it’s also in real-world data.” On Thursday the CDC told The New York Times that Walensky was speaking “broadly” in the Maddow interview. “It’s possible that some people who are fully vaccinated could get COVID-19,” a CDC spokesperson told the Times. “The evidence isn’t clear whether they can spread the virus to others. We are continuing to evaluate the evidence.” The risk that some vaccinated people might carry the virus, the fact that the nation and Hawaii haven’t reached herd immunity and it’s still a race against time to get there before COVID-19 variants spread were among the themes shared Wednesday by testifiers who opposed Hawaii Senate Bill 266, which would mandate one travel plan for the entire state. Mufi Hannemann, president and CEO of the Hawaii Lodging and Tourism Association, said decision-making on SB 266 was deferred until Wednesday, and he’s glad it’s still in play. “The opponents are trying to paint the worst-case scenario if this kind of legislation goes through,” Hannemann said. “But right now people are looking for relief. We still have the highest unemployment rate in the nation. We still have over 70,000 people who are unemployed.” Green said if Hawaii’s travel demand holds, the state could “easily get 750,000 travelers per month” — about an 80% recovery of pre-pandemic numbers. Green said every 750,000 travelers who come to Hawaii restore about 15,000 jobs. Hawaiian Airlines was just one of Hawaii’s local businesses to share their support Friday for easing travel restrictions for fully vaccinated travelers. “We are hopeful the state of Hawaii will update the Safe Travels program to align with (the CDC) recommendations,” Hawaiian Airlines spokesman Alex Da Silva said in a statement. “The CDC’s guidance underscores the effectiveness of vaccinations, as well as the comprehensive health and safety protocols adopted by the airline industry. While we must all continue to take personal responsibility to protect ourselves and each other, it’s time to restore freedom of travel to allow families and friends to reconnect and generate crucial economic activity.” Hannemann said while tourism officials and other stakeholders are pushing for a complete vaccine exemption for travelers, there’s room for compromise. “Everything doesn’t have to happen at once,” he said. “Unfortunately, the lieutenant governor seems to be out ahead of where some of the other elected officials are. Given where the governor is and the mayors are, to take the whole manapua right now is something they’ll be hesitant in doing. Certainly, we’d like to see it applied to trans-Pacific travel if they are ready. But we could start with interisland travel, which would benefit local people and would encourage more people to get the vaccine.” CDC’s updated traveler information >> Fully vaccinated travelers are less likely to get and spread COVID-19. >> People who are fully vaccinated with an FDA- authorized vaccine can travel safely within the United States: • Fully vaccinated travelers do not need to get tested before or after travel unless their destination requires it. • Fully vaccinated travelers do not need to self-quarantine. >> Fully vaccinated travelers should still follow CDC’s recommendations for traveling safely, including: • Wear a mask over your nose and mouth. • Stay 6 feet from others and avoid crowds. • Wash your hands often or use hand sanitizer. The CDC recommends delaying travel until you are fully vaccinated. If you are not fully vaccinated and must travel, take the following steps: >> Get tested with a viral test one to three days before your trip. >> Follow CDC’s recommendations for traveling safely, including: >> Wear a mask over your nose and mouth. >> Stay 6 feet from others and avoid crowds. >> Wash your hands often or use hand sanitizer. >> Get tested with a viral test three to five days after travel, and stay home and self-quarantine for a full seven days after travel. • Even if you test negative, stay home and self-quarantine for the full seven days. • If your test is positive, isolate yourself to protect others from getting infected. >> If you don’t get tested, stay home and self- quarantine for 10 days after travel. >> Avoid being around people who are at increased risk for severe illness for 14 days, whether you get tested or not. >> Self-monitor for COVID-19 symptoms; isolate and get tested if you develop symptoms. >> Follow all state and local recommendations or requirements. >> Visit your state, territorial, tribal or local health department’s website to look for the latest information on where to get tested. Source: CDC ——— The Associated Press contributed to this story. 5 Essential Things to Ask When You Switch Banks Sponsored Content 5 Essential Things to Ask When You Switch Banks By First Republic Bank - Member FDIC - To help you select the right bank for your needs, here are some next-level questions to ask as you evaluate your... Click here to see our full coverage of the coronavirus outbreak. Submit your coronavirus news tip. Be the first to know Get web push notifications from Star-Advertiser when the next breaking story happens — it's FREE! You just need a supported web browser. Subscribe for this feature Comments (50) PREVIOUS STORY Hawaii Supreme Court hears appeal over Kahuku wind farm’s plan NEXT STORY Remote-working trend for Honolulu employees is here to stay — one year later 1 / 5 As variants have spread, progress against the coronavirus in U.S. has stalled Read More Play Video Ad CCPA Notice Forget the 30yr mortgage if you owe less than $356K. 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Sunday, March 28, 2021

Aloha Valued Homeowner, Things are starting to look up in Hawaii’s travel and tourism industry. Yesterday, the Hawaii Tourism Authority reported that there were 90,776 visitors in Hawaii on any given day in February 2021. While this is still a far cry from the typical 250,052 visitors per day in February 2020, it is a big step in the right direction. In anticipation of increased travel to Hawaii during the upcoming summer months, the State has established and expanded Pre-Clear programs with domestic and international airline partners that allow travelers to confirm compliance with the Safe Travels Program prior to departure and bypass mandatory airport screenings upon arrival. Pre-Clear Partners The following airlines have confirmed Pre-Clear programs as follows: Alaska Airlines: Pre-Clear is offered from all U.S. mainland hubs with non-stop flights to Hawaii. All Nippon Airways: Currently in training and will soon offer pre-clearance for its flights from Japan. Hawaiian Airlines: Over 15 cities, including Japan and Korea, offer Pre-Clear. Austin and other locations are coming soon. Japan Airlines: Pre-Clear is offered to all travelers out of Tokyo Haneda Airport (HND). Southwest Airlines: Offering Pre-Clear service from five gateway airports in California. United Airlines: Pre-Clear is offered from all U.S. mainland hubs with flights to Hawaii. Pre-Clear Process To qualify for pre-cleared arrival into Hawaii, travelers must complete the following prior to departure: Create a Safe Travels account for every adult on the itinerary. Add all flight and lodging information to the account. Complete the mandatory health questionnaire within the account. Upload negative test results (PDF format) for every adult and minor (five years and older) on the itinerary to Safe Travels prior to boarding. Bringing a printed copy of negative testing results is also recommended. Note that the COVID-19 test must be from a Trusted Testing and Travel Partner and taken no earlier than 72 hours prior to departure. Visitors who meet all of the pre-testing requirements will be exempt from quarantine and receive a Pre-Clear wristband from their air carrier’s guest-service agents who will verify their documents before boarding. Once in Hawaii, travelers will be allowed to deplane and bypass airport screening lines. We are cautiously optimistic about the future of Hawaii travel and will continue to keep you informed of the latest news. With warmest Aloha, Alan ________________________________ Alan R. Mattson President & Chief Executive Officer Castle Hospitality Group

Friday, March 26, 2021

Aloha Valued Homeowner, Things are starting to look up in Hawaii’s travel and tourism industry. Yesterday, the Hawaii Tourism Authority reported that there were 90,776 visitors in Hawaii on any given day in February 2021. While this is still a far cry from the typical 250,052 visitors per day in February 2020, it is a big step in the right direction. In anticipation of increased travel to Hawaii during the upcoming summer months, the State has established and expanded Pre-Clear programs with domestic and international airline partners that allow travelers to confirm compliance with the Safe Travels Program prior to departure and bypass mandatory airport screenings upon arrival. Pre-Clear Partners The following airlines have confirmed Pre-Clear programs as follows: Alaska Airlines: Pre-Clear is offered from all U.S. mainland hubs with non-stop flights to Hawaii. All Nippon Airways: Currently in training and will soon offer pre-clearance for its flights from Japan. Hawaiian Airlines: Over 15 cities, including Japan and Korea, offer Pre-Clear. Austin and other locations are coming soon. Japan Airlines: Pre-Clear is offered to all travelers out of Tokyo Haneda Airport (HND). Southwest Airlines: Offering Pre-Clear service from five gateway airports in California. United Airlines: Pre-Clear is offered from all U.S. mainland hubs with flights to Hawaii. Pre-Clear Process To qualify for pre-cleared arrival into Hawaii, travelers must complete the following prior to departure: Create a Safe Travels account for every adult on the itinerary. Add all flight and lodging information to the account. Complete the mandatory health questionnaire within the account. Upload negative test results (PDF format) for every adult and minor (five years and older) on the itinerary to Safe Travels prior to boarding. Bringing a printed copy of negative testing results is also recommended. Note that the COVID-19 test must be from a Trusted Testing and Travel Partner and taken no earlier than 72 hours prior to departure. Visitors who meet all of the pre-testing requirements will be exempt from quarantine and receive a Pre-Clear wristband from their air carrier’s guest-service agents who will verify their documents before boarding. Once in Hawaii, travelers will be allowed to deplane and bypass airport screening lines. We are cautiously optimistic about the future of Hawaii travel and will continue to keep you informed of the latest news. With warmest Aloha, Alan ________________________________ Alan R. Mattson President & Chief Executive Officer Castle Hospitality Group

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Roy Thompson 12:25 PM (1 hour ago) to Roy, Neoma, Mark The April 5th reopening of Kauai is just around the corner, and all of us at Castle are extremely excited and pleased to be working to make this a success! To state that this has been a long, trying year is a huge understatement. To that end, our Master Marketers at our company are working hard to get the word out to customers and travel partners. Last week this showed very positive signs in terms of increased demand and a very large number of bookings for April and beyond. Let’s hope that this pace lasts as we do still have a long way to go! Our island is progressing nicely in terms of vaccinating. All of our staff at Kiahuna that wish to do so have received their first dose already, and by the time you receive this the 2nd dose should have been administered. As this progresses throughout the state, we are hearing the authorities discussing how to combine proof of vaccination into our Safe Travels protocol. We all are hopeful that this will happen in the next few months, further stimulating travel to our island paradise. With the increased demand, and the desire to return to somewhat normal travel, Castle is also working on restoration of services both for our guests and our owners. Beginning 3/21/21 we have extended our office hours. We are now open at 8am until 9pm daily. We have also added in some reservation shifts to better serve property reservations and owners. For after hours arrivals we still need to have guests advised to utilize our lockbox (code 4601). At this time, for the near term, we will continue with our Castle Cares program, which means spacing of reservations will continue, and housekeeping services will continue to be contactless. We will regularly review these policies, and as more folks get vaccinated, and assuming caseloads remain low, we can ease these requirements. Roy and your Team

Monday, February 1, 2021